Introducing Unfold

Unfold is a capistrano-like deployment solution for .net applications. I created it because it didn't find any solution that gave me enough flexibility and at the same time provided enough functionality out-of-the-box to deploy standard applications. In Unix environments, when it comes to deploying web applications, there's nothing that rivals Capistrano. So what I wanted was pretty simple: a capistrano for .net/windows. This led me to the following design decisions:

we use only Powershell. In terms of automating things, there's nothing more powerful than Powershell in the Windows world. You can execute any application, there's a wealth of Modules that allow you to automate anything from installing a Windows Service, configuring IIS or creating folders

Capistrano is built on top of Rake and it's a great way of splitting a deployment process into smaller components. Makes your flow easy to understand. I wanted that too, so I simply used Psake.

for access to remote machines, we depend on Powershell Remoting. It makes it very easy to execute scripts or ScriptBlocks on remote machines. For an easy explanation of Powershell Remoting, check here. The unfold wiki contains an article on how to setup Powershell remoting for your own target server.

Unfold had to contain a default deployment flow that is good enough for simple applications, if you need customization, then you should be able to built upon that flow.

The source code is on GitHub.

1. Installation

To install unfold, open a Powershell command-prompt and issue:

cd ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
git clone 

To check whether the installation was successful, import the module.

Import-Module unfold    


Add unfold to your project

Now navigate towards a project folder where you want to specify your deployment recipe. For example, if your source code sits inside a src folder, then the parent folder is ideal. Once you're there do:


This will create a folder called deployment, containing two files

this file is the most important file, as it contains all your configuration and deployment steps. It's the file that you customize to define your deployment.

this file is for loading the Unfold module and passing the command-line parameters in to it. More on that later

2. The deploy.ps1 file

Let's have a look at a slightly modified deploy.ps1 file:

# Configuration
Set-Config project "YourProjectName"

Set-Config scm git
Set-Config repository ""

# Environment to use when not specified
Set-Config default dev

# Specify a custom set of build files, don't forget
# to prepend with ".\code\" because that is the remote checkout folder
Set-Config msbuild = @('.\code\src\YourWebProject\YourWebProject.csproj')

Set-Environment dev {
    # machine to deploy to
    Set-Config machine "localhost"
    Set-Config basePath "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dev\YourProject" 

Set-Environment staging {
    Set-Config machine ""
    Set-Config basePath "d:\sites\YourProjectName\staging"

# Import the default Unfold deployment flow

# Custom task
task ping {
    Invoke-Script {
        Write-Host $env:ComputerName
        Write-Host $(pwd)
        Write-Host "On this machine we'll deploy to $($config.basePath)"
# Set deploy as default task
task Default -depends "deploy"

Yep, that's all there is to it, this is a full deployment script for a standard application. To test whether this works, open a PowerShell inside the folder and issue:

.\unfold.ps1 deploy -to dev

In other words: call the launcher script unfold.ps1 and let it invoke the deploy task (that is imported through Import-DefaultTasks) and deploy towards the dev environment.

Of course, most of the time you'll want to extend this. That's for a later post, for now, we'll have a look at what's inside this file.

2.a The configuration part

The deploy.ps1 file starts off with a set of calls to a function called Set-Config. These calls populate a $config variable that is available throughout your deployment. Most of the variables in the example above are used by the standard Unfold deployment tasks, but you can add your own if you need to. There are no restrictions. You've probably also noticed that some calls are wrapped within a Set-Environment function call. These configuration settings are considered to be environment-specific. In the above example, if you deploy using

.\unfold.ps1 deploy -to dev

Then $config.machine will be localhost, and the $config.basePath will point to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dev\YourProject. On the other hand, if the -to parameter is set to "staging"

.\unfold.ps1 deploy -to staging

Then this will assign the values will be and d:\sites\YourProjectName\staging.

2.b The tasks part

Now that the configuration part is done, we're ready to define some tasks. If your application doesn't require too much special, it's usually enough to just import the default Unfold tasks. That's exactly what this line of code does


It imports a set of Psake tasks that together compose the deployment flow. A future blog post will explain which tasks there are and what their purpose is.

Next, we define a custom task, this can be used from anything like restarting windows services, clearing a cache folder, or checking whether a process is running. The little task that we define here is to check whether we can connect to our deployment machine.

# Custom task
task ping {
    Invoke-Script {
        Write-Host $env:ComputerName
        Write-Host $(pwd)
        Write-Host "On this machine we'll deploy to $($config.basePath)"

This task writes out the computername, the current folder, and the basePath property of the $config global variable we composed using our Set-Config calls. What is important however, is that we do this inside a powershell scriptblock that we pass to a function called Invoke-Script.

This Invoke-Script is a very, very important part of Unfold because it allows you to write deployment operations that work on both your local machine as on a remote machine.

2.c Invoke-Script

The Invoke-Script function has 1 important parameter, namely the scriptblock that you pass into it. With that scriptblock, Invoke-Script performs the following operation.

So, Invoke-Script allows you to write very transparent deployment code, but where to execute it, is completely dependant on what the current configuration is.

In the above example, if the deployment is issues like this:

.\unfold.ps1 ping -to dev

Then the ping task will be executed and will write out the computername of the local machine. However, if we ask Unfold to execute the ping task on staging, it will print out the computername of

.\unfold.ps1 ping -to staging

You may ask the question: "where do you get the credentials from when opening a session on a remote machine?". The answer is very simple: from the Windows Credential Manager. Just open the Windows Credential Manager from your start menu and add a generic principal to it. This means we don't have to store credentials in our deployment scripts. The name for the principal must reflect the name you've configured using:

Set-Config machine ""

The result of all this is that Invoke-Script allows you to write deployment code that is easily portable between environments and it makes setting up a new environment for your deployments just a matter of adding an extra Set-Environment call to your deployment script.


You've now seen how you can easily create an Unfold deployment for your project, how the configuration system works and how to define customs deployment tasks.

In future posts, we'll explain what the default deployment tasks are defined by Unfold and how to extend them with your own tasks. By doing so, you'll be able to complete customize your deployment and make it completely automated and runnable from the command-line.

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